Chelsea Reform Democratic Club’s Resolution
On November 4, the Chelsea Reform Democratic Club passed the following resolution fully supporting Bill 1096-2024 which intends to protect the vested health insurance and contributions of retired employees of the City of New York
Whereas, the Chelsea Reform Democratic Club, also known as CRDC, is more than 60 years old;
Whereas, it has functioned as a conduit for advanced support for its many constituents and other New Yorkers who worked for the city;
Whereas, some 250,000 people are retired from city jobs;
Whereas, the choice of the retirees’ healthcare has been up to them;
Whereas, their healthcare benefits have also been based upon factors that include union activity which can be overridden if retirees are forced into Medicare Advantage Plan (MAP);
Whereas, this denial of choice makes the MAP plan anti-union;
Whereas, MAP is not Medicare, but a private insurance plan drawing money away from Medicare;
Whereas, MAP will cost many millions that will not be spent for the public good;
Whereas, the benefits of this MAP plan are not equal to traditional Medicare and may cause retirees to be forced to see other doctors, which may result in delayed referrals and resulting treatment. This would cause stress and worry and possible harm to their health if proper referrals are slow-coming or inappropriate;
Whereas, costs incurred by this MAP, which is not Medicare, may cause retirees to pay for deductibles;
Whereas, The City of New York has continued to fight against the retirees in court;
Whereas, the retirees have won ten favorable Supreme Court decisions including two unanimous appeal decisions;
Whereas, New York Times, Sunday, November 2, 2024, Business section talks about major changes to MAP which may include 4 times higher costs for deductibles; and
Whereas, the leadership of the United Federation of Teachers (UFT) who originally led the movement to change retirees to a MAP, have changed their position, and no longer supports a MAP; now therefore, be it
Resolved that the Chelsea Reform Democratic Club (CRDC), on behalf of its members:
1. Urges all its elected officials to publicly support the NYC Organization of Public Service Retirees supporting the proposed legislation, and that the city maintains the original Medicare plan provided at the time of hiring—and not force retirees onto a private profit-driven plan.
2. Urges city officials to uphold New York Administrative Code Section 12-126 and consistent with contractual and statutory obligations to continue to cover out-ofpocket expenses as required.
3. Urges the City Council to exercise leadership, voting to approve the proposed legislation by the NYC Organization of Public Service Retirees protecting retirees from onerous and costly forced change of healthcare plan.
4. Monitors individual council member’s position as who is supporting this legislation. Furthermore, CRDC membership will consider the council member’s position regarding Intro Bill 1096 when determining which members to publicly support and work to get them re-elected.
Roberta Gelb Roberta Gelb,
President Chelsea Reform Democratic Club