Candidates Announce for CRDC's January 2020 Elections

Below please find a list of current nominees in alphabetical order. If you would like to run for an office or for Member-at-Large, (or if you would like to nominate someone else) please submit your nomination to our Recording Secretary, Willa Hahn, at [email protected] and [email protected]

*updated January 7, 2020

Nominees for President
Judy Richheimer

Mindy Rosier-Rayburn

Nominees for Executive Vice President
Charles Bayor
Brian P. Mangan

Nominees for Treasurer
Mark Gottlieb
Joe Remsen

Nominees for VP for Member Relations
Donathan Salkaln

Nominees for VP for Community Relations
Joanne Sinovoi

Nominees for Recording Secretary
Willa Hahn

Nominees for Corresponding Secretary

Nominees for Executive Committee At Large (vote for up to 10)
Matthew Bond 
Lindsey Boylan
Frank Fraioli
Wyatt Frank
Matthew Haicken
Lowell Kern
Michael Schreiber
Evelyn Suarez
Ambur Nicosia
Kathy Nizzari
Gerald Pannozzo
Phyllis Shanley
David Warren

In order to vote in the annual CRDC elections in January, you will need to make sure you have renewed your membership! Email [email protected] and [email protected] to check on your membership status. Click HERE to become a member or pay your 2020 dues ahead of the new year!